Skyline Ship Management Services is involved into providing up to date courses and professional training in shipping, crew management and all the allied activities. SSM is actively involved in providing excellent Indian Crew Management Service to various reputed foreign principals.
We have a total acquired experience of 15 years in the field of Shipping & Crew Management industry. We are ISO 9001 2015 certified company, now proceeding to acquire a Private Limited certification very soon. Our Head Office is based in state of Gujarat in Surat.
We are committed to provide our Principals with seafarers possessing the highest level of competence and professionalism which we shall endeavor to achieve by providing a career path through continuous education and training in the field of Marine Industries.
Our crew and office team are our most important resources and we are committed to their total personal and professional growth. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in conducting our business activities which is the foundation of our company’s genuine growth.
At SSM we constantly seek to sustain our industry leadership by creating a workplace where our people can chase their passion for seafaring and sea-vessels. Our belief in a set of values means that we respect our clientele and also, earn their respect.
Our Vision
“To be the company that best understands the needs of Seafarers and Shipping companies and care for environment in its operations, each day, every day.”